More Sunshine Week coverage from Massachusetts newspapers:
- The Republican: The hard fight for freedom of information
- Metrowest Daily News: Open Meeting Law changes eyed
- Boston Herald: State public records chief vents ‘frustration’ with AG
- Berkshire Eagle: Records keeper opens up
- Metrowest Daily News: Public records czar wants more power
- The Republican: Police finalist list kept secret
- The Recorder: Newspapers want to put teeth into Massachusetts’ open meeting law
- Standard-Times: Our View: Sunshine Needed in Marion
- Cape Cod Times: Open Documents Force Government to Come Clean
- Cape Cod Times: Bill would fine individuals for violating open meeting law
- Cape Cod Times: Government Slows Actions on Public Records Requests
- Lowell Sun: Creeping Secrecy
- Eagle-Tribune: Everyone has a stake in fight for open meetings and records
- Eagle-Tribune (corrected link): Democracy works best when the sun shines on machinery of government
See also: Round-up of Sunshine Week coverage.